ON this page you can find the recording of a UNIDO/K-CEP Webinar held on July, 22nd. This webinar sets out a methodology and tools for manufacturers to understand cost and net benefits for different energy efficient refrigeration design options and the required manufacturing line upgrades.
By watching this webinar, manufacturers will be able to determine which product changes can be taken cost effectively. The simulation software CERA gives visual modelling of the changes in components, the benefit in energy efficiency and the cost involved in doing so.
As part of the Montreal Protocol, the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) has, for many years, supported Member States which phase-out the use of ozone depleting and global warming substances in the cooling sector. The amendment to the Montreal Protocol in 2016 in Kigali, Rwanda, led to the creation of the Kigali Cooling Efficiency Program (K-CEP) which aims to help increase energy efficiency (EE) of cooling in developing countries. This unique K-CEP funded project: “Assessment of incremental capital and operating costs for improved EE in domestic, commercial and retail refrigeration” is brought to you by UNIDO and the International Copper Association.
The webinar presents the outcomes of the project and provides insights into how to use the guidance document, analyze changes in manufacturing, evaluate technical and financial options for energy efficient products and calculate associated emission reductions