The third edition of the Green Cooling Summit will explore political approaches, technological solutions and innovative commercial models for the Green Cooling along the cold chain. It will be held fully online on 10th and 11th October 2023, looking in-depth at how Green Cooling solutions can aid in decreasing food wastes, improving the food safety, enhancing medical cold chains and contributing to a more sustainable future. The event is jointly organized by the German Agency for the Environment (UBA) and by GIZ Proklima on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for the environment, the nature conservation, the nuclear safety and consumers’ protection (BMUV) and by the German Federal Ministry for the economic cooperation and development (BMZ).
The theme of the current year: Green cooling along the cold chain.
The Green Cooling Summit will witness the participation of various experts coming from industry, the academic world and the Government and they will share their knowledge and experiences on how promoting Green Cooling solutions along the cold chain. With Green Cooling we mean the combination of natural refrigerants that damage neither the ozone layer nor the climate and highly energy- efficient systems, ideally powered by electric energy coming from renewable sources. From zero-emission solutions for the refrigeration in transports to the solutions of intelligent stationary refrigeration, we will explore the last technologies and the best practices that can share in making the cold chain more sustainable and climate-friendly.
Besides an information session and a round table, you will have also the opportunity of networking with sector professionals and of getting in touch with sector companies that are developing innovation in Green Cooling technologies.
The targets of the summit?
• Increasing the international awareness of the green cooling potential along the cold chain.
• Informing about the political and technological trends for a sustainable cold chain.
• Creating a platform for the exchange of knowledge, the discussion and networking.