ASERCOM, the Association of European Refrigeration Component Manufacturers is excited to share the enhanced agenda for its momentous convention on 2 February 2024, in Brussels
The convention will spotlight transformative strategies for a sustainable refrigeration industry, headlined by keynotes from illustrious speakers including Marco Durán from the UN Environment Programme.
The agenda includes pivotal discussions such as the transition to sustainable refrigeration in A5 countries and the significant influence of EU policies. Mr. Durán’s expertise from the UNEP will illuminate the path forward for industry and policy alignment. AHRI President Steven Yurek will provide an answer to the question “Is EU F-gas takling global emissions reduction?”. The convention will also present the results of collaborative ASERCOM working group activities focusing on communication, F-Gas, PFAS, and other critical aspects of HVAC&R. “In a time of rapid environmental and regulatory change, it’s imperative that industry leaders and EU administrators come together to shape the future. The ASERCOM Convention serves as the crucible for innovation and policy, ensuring we not only comply with quickly emerging regulations but lead the way in sustainable practices,” says Marco Masini, ASERCOM president.
“Also the ASERCOM certification programme for condensing units is highlighted and presented for opening up to the outside world so that the market can benefit from the great results in the development of Ecodesign-ready equipment. We have been able to successfully implement this regulation thanks to the robustness of the programme,” asserts Masini.
For more information and registration, please visit ASERCOM Convention 2024: