How to move fossil fuels out of the built environment was a main topic of the #DecarbCities conference that took place yesterday in Vienna.
Representatives from different cities acknowledged that options are limited and include (renewables and waste based) district heating, central and decentral heat pumps and green gas.
At the same time, technology development on heat pump solutions has advanced to a dimension that allows the efficient deployment of heat pumps also in multifamily buildings as a number of the presenters illustrated convincingly.
“After years of optimizing our Heat pumps with a focus on one family homes, we saw an increasing demand in the market for a special engineered Heat pump solution for multifamily homes and social housing, especially in renovation. For this use case, we developed a Heat pump solution for flats, which meets the growing demand of the cities in terms sustainability and efficiency for heating and hot water production. With our new geotherm mini Heat pump directly installed in the flat – in the design and size of a standard boiler – we offer owners of multifamily homes a solution to equip their flats with future oriented, clean and sustainable Heat pump Technology, combined with minimal size and low installation effort”, says Christian Herbinger, Country Director Vaillant Group Austria.
“Heat pumps are suitable for all kinds of buildings, from the very old to the very new, but often it’s the space requirements for hot water tanks and energy buffers that make it difficult to install them. We are very excited that Sunamp’s Heat Batteries can play a pivotal role in overcoming this challenge and we’re looking forward to seeing many more projects like Core 364 in Sunderland, where gas boilers were replaced with heat pumps and heat batteries to future- proof the building.” says Andrew Bissell, CEO of Sunamp Ltd.
More examples are summarized in a brochure fresh from the press that was presented at the event. In 14 examples solutions are shown for different climate zones and building types.
“It is important to demystify the use of heat pump technology in buildings. A family of solutions exists that all builds on the refrigerant cycle providing heating, cooling and hot water both in central (district heating, office buildings) and decentral solutions. In addition, heat pump systems provide flexibility to the grid and help maximize the self-consumption of locally produced electricity from photovoltaics and similar sources.”, says Thomas Nowak, Secretary General of the EHPA.
You can download the new EHPA brochure here.