“Cool Careers” Webinars Planned for World Refrigeration Day

A series of webinars focusing on the cool careers that make the world better are coming in June to celebrate World Refrigeration Day, June 26.

World Refrigeration Day secretariat announced it will partner with seven organizations to make students and young professionals globally aware of career opportunities in fields relying on refrigeration technology.

Who researches how food can be preserved from its source to the table and how vaccines and medicines can be shipped around the world? Who enables data centers to function? How can climate change be stabilized while not sacrificing modern convenience? Who safely manages the processes that enable air to be cooled? How can the quality of indoor air be improved, and disease transmission prevented?

The people, “cooling champions,” and the careers that make modern life possible will be spotlighted in “cool careers” webinars over two weeks in June.

Organized as part of the day’s 2021 campaign theme “Cooling Champions: Cool Careers for a Better World,” the webinars will be conducted by groups whose networks reach into developed and developing nations. Campaign partners are UNEP OzonAction, ASHRAE, EPEE, FAIAR, IIR, ISHRAE, and U-3ARC. The objective is to inspire students and those early in their career path to join the more than 15 million people worldwide currently employed in the refrigeration sector, making the world better.

Partnering with these organizations enables the refrigeration industry to reach out globally, with particular emphasis on developing countries, to expand the workforce that supports life-giving and society-dependent technologies,” said Steve Gill.  “Opportunities within the industry abound for young people with a wide range of career aspirations. Advanced cooling technologies provide them with a profession that improves life in their communities and in the world as a whole.

Each campaign partner will target career opportunities with webinars in the language common within that network. Special emphasis will be given to sectors that are commonly less known like Cold Chain, Refrigerant Management, Indoor Air-Quality, Sustainability, Heat Pumps, and Not-in-Kind Technologies. Gender equality and promoting women in cooling careers will be highlighted in this year’s campaign as well. The schedule of webinars and topics will be available in the coming weeks at www.worldrefrigerationday.org.

World Refrigeration Day is supported globally by industry, professional groups, scientific and engineering associations, as well as by governments and individuals. Follow the campaign at #coolcareers and follow World Refrigeration Day with Twitter @worldrefday; Facebook /worldrefday; Instagram @worldrefrigerationday.

UNEP OzonAction is an Implementing Agency of the Multilateral Fund of the Montreal Protocol. OzonAction strengthens the capacity of governments and the industry in developing countries to elaborate and enforce the policies required to implement the Protocol and to make informed decisions about alternative refrigerants and technologies.

ASHRAE has 57,000 members and supports chapters and engages with national associations throughout the Americas, Asia, Africa, Europe, and Australia. Its mission is to advance the technologies of heating, ventilation, air conditioning, and refrigeration and their allied fields.

European Partnership for Energy and the Environment (EPEE) represents leading refrigeration, air-conditioning and heat pump manufacturers and associations from Europe, Asia and North America. Headquartered in Brussels, it is dedicated to creating favorable framework conditions for the development and deployment of sustainable technologies.

Federation of Ibero-American Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Associations (FAIAR) represents 14 associations, 3500 members in South America and Europe with official languages being Spanish and Portuguese. It was founded in 2001, to integrate efforts of regional associations dedicated to the purposes of the Federation in each member country.

International Institute of Refrigeration (IIR) is an independent intergovernmental organization of 59 member countries from all continents that gathers and disseminates knowledge in every sector of refrigeration, including the cold chain, air conditioning, cryogenics and heat pumps

ISHRAE, Indian Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers, established in 1981 has more than 28,000 HVAC&R professionals including students as members.  It operates from 43 Chapters and sub-chapters spread all over India with aim to disseminate knowledge about HVAC&R to all.

Pan-African Union of Associations of African Actors in Refrigeration and air-Conditioning (U-3ARC) brings together 37 national associations from different African countries with a focus on improving RAC training throughout the continent and supporting African Union Agenda 2063 to reach a sustainable socioeconomic development.


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